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Green Research Priorities

UCC Research Priority Areas

UCC’s research priorities are grouped under five strategic areas, as described in the University Strategic Plan. These areas are supported by the main Research Institutes as well as by the Departments, Schools and Centres.

Thematic areas and Research Priorities are listed below and those which directly relate to the UCC Green Campus agenda are highlighted:

Biological and Medical Sciences

Gut Health
Epidemiology & Public Heath
Women & Child Health
Vascular Biology
Biomedical Devices
Cell Biology & Cell Signalling
Environmental Microbial Genomics


Earth, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences (including Energy)

Ocean Energy
Sustainable Energy
Solar Cells
Biodiversity, Ecotoxicology & Sustainability
Environmental Chemistry
Marine Science


Physical Sciences, Engineering and Mathematics (including ICT)

Nanoscience & Technology (Nanoelectronics)
Microsystems for Energy, Health and the Environment
Photonics (and Electronic Systems for Communications, Healthcare, Energy, and the Environment)
Embedded Systems (including Circuit Design)
High Performance Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Smart Buildings


Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

New Poverties, Human Rights, and Social Justice*
Digital Cultures
Beyond Identities
Creative Educations
Environmental Citizenship, Ecological Politics and Global Justice*
Business and Law
Financial Services and Financial Mathematics
Globalization, Regulation & Competitiveness, Governance & Accountability
New Poverties, Human Rights, and Social Justice*
Environmental Citizenship, Ecological Politics and Global Justice*
e-Health, Connected Health

* Research priority that crosses 2 thematic areas

For more information, see the Research Support Services webpages.

UCC Environmental Citizenship as a Priority Area

In 2011, the Office of the UCC Vice President for Research and Innovation identified “Environmental Citizenship” as a Research Priority Area.   A key objective of this was to encourage trans- and inter-disciplinary research collaborations.

Key events that have occurred over the years that this priority area has been in place include:

Emerging from all of these events, in 2016, the book ‘Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Transitions to Sustainability’ was published.  The book of draws together the insights and perspectives of fifteen academics from across the disciplinary bounds at UCC (as well as authors from Queen’s University Belfast and TU Graz).

More information on the book’s launch, and reception, is available here.

In September 2017, a colloquium on “Metaphors of Transformative Change” was held at the Environmental Research Institute.  The book of abstracts from this colloquium can be downloaded here.

Research Centres

UCC’s Research Strategy focuses on creating major centres of excellence for world-class research and is closely aligned with key relevant Government and European Commission policies.  A number of these research centres undertake research that directly speaks to the Sustainable Development Goals, for example:

Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Cleaner Production Promotion Unit

UNEP GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre 

Centre for Planning Education and Research

Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights 

Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods
